Ciencia Ciudadana

Científicos de la Basura

Citizen science program made up of researchers from the Universidad Católica del Norte (UCN, Coquimbo), schoolchildren, and teachers from all over Chile, which since 2007 has applied the scientific method to study the problem of garbage in the environment, as well as proposed actions to face this important socio-environmental problem.

During its existence, the Garbage Scientists have been sponsored by the UCN, the Center for Advanced Studies in Arid Zones (CEAZA) and the Center for Ecology and Sustainable Management of Ocean Islands (ESMOI); and financed by the Explora-CONICYT Program and by a large number of schools, companies and public institutions, including the Lighthouse Foundation (Germany) and the US Embassy in Chile.

The work of the Garbage Scientists is coordinated remotely from Coquimbo and is supported by a large number of people who, selflessly, lend their time and experience to the program, starting with the teachers and schoolchildren themselves, UCN alumni, scientists, employees public, and many other volunteers.

You can learn more about his work here:


iNaturalist is a platform that allows us to promote the observation of nature, as well as the registration and dissemination of our biodiversity. With this platform you can learn more about the distribution and life cycles of the species that inhabit our country.

It is an invitation for all those interested and lovers of nature, and those who wish to know more about the biodiversity of Chile, to participate using this citizen science tool, contributing with information that strengthens knowledge, scientific research, public management to conservation and, of course, the love for Chile's natural heritage.